I use it to analyse the complexity of a problem and then form the structure from which I can export to Word and then fill out the document with the detail. I am a frequent user of Mindjet's Mind Manager and Thinking Place for Android. I guess the only thing that I might like Evernote to do is to render a preview of the Mindmap like pdf's.

This should work for other Mind Mapping software products also, but FreeMind is free and Evernote doesn't have to invent yet another format/tool. When I save it, it is stored back in the note in evernote so I can open it on any computer that has Freemind installed. mm file stored in it and double click, it opens in Freemind and I can make what changes I want. Now when I want to open or edit the map I go to the note that has the.

Close this initial map so I don't make anymore changes in a unsynced map. Save map in the same folder as I have setup for my scanner to auto import into Evernote.ģ. Open freemind and create a new map and do what ever brainstorming needs to be done.Ģ. Give me mindmapping functionality and color me a paid subscriber Evernote.įunny, Being able to sync my FreeMind maps between home and work was one of the reasons I went premium 8)ġ.

Holding me back? The ability to create mindmaps.
I am on the fence on whether to upgrade to a premium evernote account.